Electric Articulating Wing Kit


Electric Articulating Wing Kit

from $1,100.00

You can choose from raw with just all the parts and pieces to put it together with the wired electronics, all the way to assembled and ready to go! This kit option lets you hit the ground running with the frame, back brace, and wired electronics, with add on options for straps and padding and partial and full assembly. All you need to do make your feathers and sleeves!

No assembly or None: No assembly included. Back brace is raw aluminum cut and comes with no padding or straps. Materials for this step are not included. All framework parts and hardware are otherwise included. Electronics are wired, but not attached. (second and third image.

Brace, not frame: Back brace is assembled, padded and strapped, but electronics and frame are not yet assembled. Electronics are wired, but not attached. (not shown)

Click Here for assembly instructions. Click here for padding and covering instructions for the back brace.

Fully Assembled: Everything all together and ready to decorate! Comes with a padded and strapped back brace all put together and comfy. Framework is assembled with electronics already attached. Electronics are shipped with battery detached to prevent accidental deployment during shipping. Electronics will need to be plugged in before use. (first image)

Please be aware that additional assembly costs extra.

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